Icons are missing

Posted about 3 years ago by Jo Brennan

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Jo Brennan

After upgrading to version 4.6.9 the editor icons have disappeared and are replaced by empty square boxes.

I went to the fancyproductdesigner.com demos and they are missing there also.  Screen shot from fancyproductdesigner.com.

1 Votes


MichiK85 posted about 3 years ago Best Answer

You can re download the zip file again and upload all files again. There was a problem with the fonts.

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Rafael Salles posted about 3 years ago

The same problem, 

I downloaded the new install and updated the files, but the problem was not fixed.

0 Votes


Randall posted about 3 years ago

I have the same issue with the same version of Chrome.  All icons are missing.

0 Votes


willy posted about 3 years ago

My demo doesn't work, i sand the screen of the problem that you have on your product's demo : all icons are missing. this problem i see only on google chrome ( Version 91.0.4472.77 ) last version, on Firefox or Safari work fine.

The problem is also in your demos

0 Votes


Jo Brennan posted about 3 years ago

Thank you! I have icons now.

0 Votes


MichiK85 posted about 3 years ago Answer

You can re download the zip file again and upload all files again. There was a problem with the fonts.

0 Votes

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