
Posted over 3 years ago by Adam Konopka

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Adam Konopka

In 21-st april I was buy from You plugin to wordpress FPD with FPD-EXPORT. I have one question about privacy. In error log I find filepath with my file (my pictures) on You acoount in amazonaws. Why? I don't want show my files enybody... In parameters I have checked cloud on NONE. Could you tell me why my files is in yout account??

Here is one from more example:


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

Our export service runs on our server. The files are only stored temporarily and all will be deleted within 1 day.

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Adam Konopka posted about 3 years ago

Yes, but we want to avoid this in the future. It is very important for our company that we are independent from you. Therefore, I would like to have a pdf export service on my server

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 3 years ago Admin

Its back.

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MichiK85 posted about 3 years ago

Your service is offline now... We are all depending on your server.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 3 years ago Admin

No sorry that is not possible due its running on nodejs.

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Adam Konopka posted over 3 years ago

I understand... But
Is possible runs export in my server? It is very important for me... Maybe You can tell me, which library you use to convert svg to pdf?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

Our export service runs on our server. The files are only stored temporarily and all will be deleted within 1 day.

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