Question before buying it

Posted over 3 years ago by Benoit Cyrulik

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Benoit Cyrulik


This plugin (for woocommerce) could be perfect for our client, but some functionalities may be missing?
If I can ask you :

- Can we add private options to customize a product, like a unique background or a logo, for a specific user ID or any specific condition ?

- Can we "push" a product configuration. I mean, "click on this link and get a precustomized product ready to purchase" ?

- Can we make custom buttons or any elements and bind the functionalities of the plugin ui ?

Thanks :)

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Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

As you can set up entire products using the product builder then your second  point is available out of the box. The other two however, would require customisation. The plugin itself is highly customisable and if you have the skills then you could achieve this.

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Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

As you can set up entire products using the product builder then your second  point is available out of the box. The other two however, would require customisation. The plugin itself is highly customisable and if you have the skills then you could achieve this.

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