3D Products

Posted over 3 years ago by Raul AC

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Raul AC

Hello, I have all my products made in 3D.

What format do I have to export the model? 

.FBX? Need any more files?

How can I customize them?


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

Yes our 3d models are fbx files and it includes a placeholder for the customized design that will be added from the product designer. So if you want to see how it works, you need to get one of our 3d templates.

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Admin Web 11D posted almost 3 years ago

Same issue here, I already have my 3d model, exported it in FBX format and have my HDR, But how do I get config.json file? Thanks

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chadscully posted over 3 years ago

Must I pay for the 3D Model template? or can you simply email a general template so I know how to configure parameters and file sets? Awesome plugin by the way, only thing holding me back is knowing how to upload a custom 3d model. Thank you for the help!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

Yes our 3d models are fbx files and it includes a placeholder for the customized design that will be added from the product designer. So if you want to see how it works, you need to get one of our 3d templates.

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