The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both

Posted over 3 years ago by damon

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php 7.4.14


WordPress 5.6

WooCommerce 4.9.0

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /usr/local/lsws/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fancy-product-designer/admin/vendors/libs/less/Less.php on line 5364


Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /usr/local/lsws/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/fancy-product-designer/admin/vendors/libs/less/Less.php on line 8083

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

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damon posted over 3 years ago

Fancy Product Designer 4.5.7
Fancy Product Designer Export 1.1.1 

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