Size of canvases for small products

Posted over 3 years ago by Ghibli

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I've already made this request and it has been marked as implemented, but sadly that's not what I asked for.

Now, on the contrary, the problem is even more evident than before!

If I insert the pixels in the dimensions of the canvas by calculating them at 72 dpi, I can use the "print" action, or the dynamic view (things I could not do by inserting the pixels by calculating 300 dpi), but the size of the canvas on the screen is too small and impossible for the user to modify! The new Doyle UI doesn't solve anything, in fact this is how the product looks now:




and this is what happens if I try to zoom:


The "print" action and the dynamic view are absolutely unusable for small products without solving this problem!

1 Votes

Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

To solve this, you have to increase the canvas size. The zoom feature will only zoom the canvas and not the wrapper around it, there will be no update for that.

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Ghibli posted about 3 years ago

I requested changes to the plugin, but they didn't accept them, so unfortunately I didn't fix the problem and I gave up.

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SH posted about 3 years ago

Hi Ghibli,

Were you able to find a solution for this?

0 Votes


Davide Aliverti posted about 3 years ago

I have the same problem, but if i increase the canvas size, also change the font size!

I do stamp, with a 58x22mm stamp the canvas proposed at 72dpi is very very small, but the font size of the text (7 points) is right.

If i increase the canvas size and having a bigger image in designer to customize, the image is good but the font change to 38 points instead of 7 and is not not good for the client that do a stamp!

Ok, the output is good in measure, but the font size is wrong!

I need an automatin zoom at 3, 4 x at startup , i think a zoom amount to put in individual product settings, the best way!!

Another problem is that, if i increase the canvas the client have no idea of real size, because the ruler is in pixel and not in cm or mm or customizable and is inside the view (will have to be outside the views area!).

If i ask this customization to thitd party that you give me (@Rady Kal) what i have to do with future plugin version? i need to update the plugin for security reason, like the last update!

I don't want to pay for a customization of each plugin version release.

Pls let us know something, we need it

0 Votes


Ghibli posted over 3 years ago

It is not a solution. To zoom I can make the canvas large and keep the product small and the user could use the print action, but the dynamic view is based on the size of the canvas.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

To solve this, you have to increase the canvas size. The zoom feature will only zoom the canvas and not the wrapper around it, there will be no update for that.

0 Votes


Steve posted over 3 years ago

I agree if there is a proper 'zoom' function, this editor is simply completed. 

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