[DOYLE UI] New UI theme is coming!

Posted almost 4 years ago by Rafael D

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Rafael D
Rafael D Admin


currently we are developing a new UI theme for the product designer. We just set up two demos with the new UI theme.



Please let us know your feedback, bug report or any other improvement.

Thank you.

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Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

Try out the demo here: https://themes.fancyproductdesigner.com/flatsome/product/shirt/ this is using the same ui and no module is active on page load on mobile.

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Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

Try out the demo here: https://themes.fancyproductdesigner.com/flatsome/product/shirt/ this is using the same ui and no module is active on page load on mobile.

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efthimis posted over 3 years ago

Thanks for the response. No the initial mode is not active. Any other tip for the misfunction?? I think as mentioned above ibrahim has the same problem

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Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin

Do you have an initial module active in your ui-composer? It looks from your screenshot that the text module is active on page load (that's why you can't see the product) - I've just checked the demo and that's not standard.

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efthimis posted over 3 years ago

Very good UI, but as mentioned by ibrahim on mobile the designer opens without the product image. I think it happens only when modules are enabled. ( I tested it with modules disabled and worked ok). Will you fix it? cause i really want to use that UI!!

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Nick hooykaas posted over 3 years ago

Ok in landscape but still like this in portrait...

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Nick hooykaas posted over 3 years ago

The issue I mentioned 26 days ago still hasn't been resolved... "Hi Not adapting to portrait view on galaxy tab. Was functioning on the original test sample" To risky to up date if there are still glitches with the software.... This issue needs to be resolved..

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Ghibli posted over 3 years ago

The window that opens once the element is selected is almost complete with everything, but the "lock / unlock" button would also be useful

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Io Eusebiu

Io Eusebiu posted over 3 years ago

If you have right sidebar in UI, the guide tour for the modules looks ok, but for the top bar it goes in the browser margin top, not below the bar.

The attached capture is the guid for Save button from File menu

Attachments (1)

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Daryl posted almost 4 years ago

Hello folks, I like the idea about a new UI-Design. However, after trying the demo, I noticed few issues: 

1. The button for "Done" does overlay the reverse icons on the top if smartphone is small like an Samsung S5/S6.
2. If you select on the bottom i.e. ADD image, there is an icon missing to close the window, instead you ahve to click on add imag again which is irritating. 

3. If you rotate the smartphone, you can't find an option to scroll, it becomes hard to design.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 4 years ago Admin

@Daniel Could you please create a ticket with your WP and FTP credentials so we can debug the issue better.

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Daniel Vidal Reis posted almost 4 years ago

@rady kal https://papelariaimpressa.com.br/flamingo/adesivo-ou-topper-redondo-25cm-a-8cm/

If I disable the "responsive" function in the advanced settings it will apparently fix this problem, however it will affect other products that have a larger screen than the available space in the parent container.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 4 years ago Admin

@Ghibli For that purpose I recommend to still use the Flat UI, because the toolbar below the selected element makes more sense.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 4 years ago Admin

@Daniel Do you have a link to your designer so I can check it.

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Daniel Vidal Reis posted almost 4 years ago

How do I disable the new function:

- The max. height is now calculated automatically (80% of the window height)

I have products with texts that are too small for editing if they are reduced to 80% of the height of the window, I need them to be 100% of the width of the canva and the height is proportional even if I need to roll the window

In addition to having a huge blank space next to the product

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Ghibli posted almost 4 years ago

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 4 years ago Admin

@ibrahim Will be fixed in next update.

@Ghibli These labels are listed in the Labels settings > Actions tab. Do you have a link with your example and the main bar position.

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Ghibli posted almost 4 years ago

Wow! I really like this new UI!

I use the main bar via shortcode and the close button does not appear and the user has to click outside the graphics to return to the modules again. It is not very easy to understand. Is it possible to add the close button?

You should also add the new terms "file" and "tools" to settings / labels :)

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Nick hooykaas posted almost 4 years ago

Hi Not adapting to portrait view on galaxy tab. Was functioning on the original test sample. Nick

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ibrahim posted almost 4 years ago

On mobile: the designer opens without the product image and add to cart button.


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Brent S posted almost 4 years ago

Love the new update. But there's an issue. Now there's lots of blank space to the right of the product, please see attached image. How can this be fixed?

Attachments (1)

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 4 years ago Admin

The update is now available. Please post any bug reports here.

We enabled the new UI theme for this demo:


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Ritesh posted almost 4 years ago

On IOS I still cant scroll thrue the fonts

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Ritesh posted almost 4 years ago

Is it included in Fancy product designer, of do you have to pay for it separately?

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Nick hooykaas posted almost 4 years ago

That's great news!

Thanks cheers Nick

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 4 years ago Admin

We are going to release it next week :)

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