
Export problems when using special characters


When I add custom-text to my design in FPD (frontend) with special characters or makes linebreaks, the details (PDF) in backend won't be exported - only the first site, which is the design.

Is that a generel problem or can it be fixed somehow? 

Kind Regards

  • Hi Troels

    I can't recreate your issue with special characters - does your font definitely have them?

    What method are you using for a line break?

  • Hi Rhiannon,

    Thanks for your reply. 

    I've recently tried with your own backend-demo, which means I made a design with custom text (using linebreaks and quotation marks) and completed an order. 

    In backend I used Print-Ready Export to genereate a pdf (and clicked "Add an additional page with information about all elements").

    I've attached two pdf's where the first with special characters only show one page (design) and the one without shows two pages (design and additional information).

    Hope it makes sense :)

  • Ah I see, that's very helpful thank you!

    I will convert this into a ticket so the developer can recreate.

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