Replacing Background

Posted about 4 years ago by Christian McMinn

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Christian McMinn

I want to replace the backgrounds on some of my designs using the 'replace' feature.

I've loaded the designs in and setup the categories. It's working well except they are not positioned correctly in the layout when imported.

The backgrounds are all exactly the same size and it doesn't matter what values I put into the "left and right" (screenshot attached) the background are always imported into the same position which isn't right.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Christian McMinn posted about 4 years ago Best Answer

Just updating this for anyone who has the same issue.

The X, Y origin of the image I wanted to replace was set to 'Top' and 'Left'. By changing the X, Y origin to 'Centre' and 'Centre' the image would replace in the correct position.

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Christian McMinn posted about 4 years ago Answer

Just updating this for anyone who has the same issue.

The X, Y origin of the image I wanted to replace was set to 'Top' and 'Left'. By changing the X, Y origin to 'Centre' and 'Centre' the image would replace in the correct position.

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Rhiannon Doyle posted about 4 years ago Admin

No problem, if you don't get anywhere I can send you screenshot of my settings.

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Christian McMinn posted about 4 years ago

Tried that, think I've tried everything haha

Thanks for your help I think I might open a ticket.

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Rhiannon Doyle posted about 4 years ago Admin

Yes I have a background similar to yours that I'm replacing using replaceBackground. Try changing Scale By to dimensions - enter the dimensions and scale mode Fit.

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Christian McMinn posted about 4 years ago

No it's not checked, although I did try it to see what it would do but nothing happened – still ended up in the same position.

Are you using the 'replace' feature to get those results? It centres when I just place a design in but when I use the replace feature it still goes off canvas. 

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Rhiannon Doyle posted about 4 years ago Admin

I've just double checked this. left=0 and top=0 will position out of the canvas (I assume this is a bug?).

In my 800x800 canvas, left=400 and top=400 will center it.

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Rhiannon Doyle posted about 4 years ago Admin

Have you got auto-center checked?

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Christian McMinn posted about 4 years ago

Sure no problem, it looks like the bottom right hand corner of the background is being centred. The first image is the original then the second has the background replaced.



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Rhiannon Doyle posted about 4 years ago Admin

Can you screenshot the position they're imported into?

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