How to get same client uploaded image to appear on two different views of item (link them)

Posted about 4 years ago by Misty Glenn

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Misty Glenn

Hello, I am working on setting up a mug and wanting the same customer uploaded image to appear on the front as well as the back view of the mug. I though I had seen this done with a t-shirt on one of the older videos, but now I can not find it. Can anyone direct me to this video, or tell me how to "link" an image so that it appears in specific areas in multiple views of the product?

Thank you

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

You can set a replace value for uploaded images and insert for example a transparent png file in your products with the same replace value. 

This only works for one image at the same time and is not possible if you want the user to upload several images that should be added to both views at the same time. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 4 years ago Admin

you can't use that for upload zones. This replace value is for the general image upload. Please open a support ticket on our website so we can have a closer look at your issue and help you with the settings.  

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Misty Glenn posted about 4 years ago

OK, I found where I could link the two images using a setting in the product section. But on the live web page, now when I add an image to the upload section, the image comes in huge (takes up the whole page) in all of my alternative views that are using the transparent pgn link, even though the png file is set to the same size as the upload zone. How to I get the image to maintain the same size on all product views?

Thank you,

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Misty Glenn posted about 4 years ago

Where do I set the "replace value for uploaded image"? I do not see this option when I create a new "upload zone" element on one of my products. I see it when I create an image and set it to a transparent png on the product builder page, but not for the "upload zone" element.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 4 years ago Admin Answer

You can set a replace value for uploaded images and insert for example a transparent png file in your products with the same replace value. 

This only works for one image at the same time and is not possible if you want the user to upload several images that should be added to both views at the same time. 

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