Add Image - image adding multiple times - firefox

Posted about 4 years ago by Mark Lagan

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Mark Lagan

I'm struggling with action of adding image to product, it happen only on firefox, even in provided with code example.
When I  add image to product it appear at product two times, each time when I click on miniature in list or choose image directly from drive.
Anyone had simmilar problem and can help me ?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please open a support ticket on our website so we can have a closer look on your issue. 

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Manoj Randeni posted almost 4 years ago

What was the solution. Happening for me too

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 4 years ago Admin Answer

Please open a support ticket on our website so we can have a closer look on your issue. 

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