The svg files - make a color layer transparent

Posted over 4 years ago by Jordi Carreras

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Jordi Carreras

The svg files, well inserted, you can change the color of the layers.
But does anyone know if we can make a color layer transparent?
I have some 2-ink designs that could also only be in 1 ink.
I would like to give that possibility to clients.
Thank you

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gryadn posted over 4 years ago Best Answer


add transparent 5px. png file to this section

with transparent option name in the color palette.


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gryadn posted about 4 years ago

Amazon Venture Partners

send me mail


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Amazon Venture Partners posted about 4 years ago

I am unable to resolve this. Did you have any success? I cannot add transparency to the color picker. I can add it as a pattern but then that applies to the whole svg file

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gryadn posted over 4 years ago

FabricJS Version 2. + Problems with complex drawings

I recommend using 1.6.7


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Jordi Carreras posted over 4 years ago

Its a one solution.


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gryadn posted over 4 years ago Answer


add transparent 5px. png file to this section

with transparent option name in the color palette.


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin

No, it is not possible to do it like this. Your client needs to set opacity to zero.

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Jordi Carreras posted over 4 years ago

 In a previous plugin that I used, the client could do it as shown in the video.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin

I still don't know what you like to get but YEs, you can make layers transparent using our plugin. You can also exclude layers from export if you like to. 

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Jordi Carreras posted over 4 years ago

 The idea would be that in the color palette we can change colors, but making an invisible one would be perfect. Being an svg file I think it would be possible, with the same file, to give that option to the final client.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin

unfortunately i don't understand your question. Do you have an example website of what you like to get or explain it by using images for example?

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