
SVG Layer names

Hey guys,

Does anyone know any way to show which SVG layer will be changed?
For single SVG files with a lot of different pieces there is no way to check which piece will be changed without actually trying it. This isn't very user intuitive for customers.

If anyone has a workaround it would be massively appreciated!


  • You could set each combined paths and its color with a little color swatch and the name of what you are going to change within that picture. If the customer then changes the color of the swatch, all areas using the same color will be replaced. 

  • Thanks for the response. Does this mean with each individual SVG color layer? Or can you rename each combined path of a single SVG file? That would be fantastic.

    For example on our link under the 'colour' tab it shows the color path to change but can this be labeled also somehow?

    Thanks again for your help!

  • You can also use one svg and use combined path. You don't "nameth different paths. You can add a text within your svg that names the path. I hope this makes sense. 

    For example on our link under the 'colour' tab it shows the color path to change but can this be labeled also somehow?

    -> No, this can't be labeled. 

  • Hey, sorry I tried for quite a while this morning and still don't understand exactly. 

    Where would the text show up that names the path? I have tried to name the individual paths in illustrator and also as separate layers but these aren't shows in the backend UI or front end. Or do you mean to literally save text into the svg file so the text is shown in the canvas?


  • Or do you mean to literally save text into the svg file so the text is shown in the canvas?

    -> yes, thats what i mean. 

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