chhosing view shown in basket/checkout

Posted over 4 years ago by Oliver Pring

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Oliver Pring

 Does anyone know if there is a way to set which view is shown in the checkout?

We have several products that come as part of a package, i.e. champagne flute gift set. For this we use view 1 for a zoomed in view of the left flute and view 2 for the right flute, then the gift set with the custom text is shown in view 3 i.e. preview.

We would like to have view 3 as the view shown in the checkout as this has the custom text for both flutes in the one image.

Thanks in advance.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

sorry this feature is currently not supported. If you would like to see it in a future update, please create a new idea in the "Feature Request" forum. The more people agree with you, that we should add the feature you are looking for, the more quickly we are going to implement it, thank you.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Answer

sorry this feature is currently not supported. If you would like to see it in a future update, please create a new idea in the "Feature Request" forum. The more people agree with you, that we should add the feature you are looking for, the more quickly we are going to implement it, thank you.

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