301 not loading designer

Posted over 4 years ago by Oliver Pring

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Oliver Pring

 Last year me moved our site to a .online primary domain and setup redirects from our previous .com domains to the new .online.

It's just become apparent, that if i customer comes from an old link i.e. a .com link, then the designer doesn't load, returning the message: 'could not be loaded'. I can see that the designer is trying to pull the product from the .online domain but clearly doesn't like it because it's from a different property.

Has anyone else encountered this issue or know a way to fix it. It would be a shame to loose all of our old links.

Many thanks in advance

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Oliver Pring posted over 4 years ago Best Answer

 My fault for not realising that redirects were'nt working correctly. Ignore my stupidity.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin

thanks for letting us know the issue and that you resolved it. 

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Oliver Pring posted over 4 years ago Answer

 My fault for not realising that redirects were'nt working correctly. Ignore my stupidity.

0 Votes

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