Mixing 'Customization Required' and Non-Customizable Variations of Products in WooCommerce
The functionality exists to make customization either required or not required for Simple Products in WooCommerce. However this setting cannot be changed for each variation of a product and the FPD product designer doesn't seem to be overridden and prevented from displaying for certain variations.
I must assign a Fancy Product to a WooCommerce product in order for the product designer to appear on the product page when a variation is selected, the problem is that not all variations of a product are customizable.
I must also ensure that when a customer selects a customizable product, that they do in-fact customize it before adding it to their cart, so the option to show the Add to Cart button only after FPD customization has occurred is also checked.
Therefore, if a customer selects a non-customized variation of a WooCommerce product, they cannot add it to their cart as FPD needs it to be customized before this can happen, and I cannot turn this option off (either at product-level or globally) as it risks customers selecting customized product variations (which have additional pack-sized based surcharges) but neglecting to customize them.
I need the option to have a mix of FDP-customizable product variations and non-customizable variations of the same WooCommerce product.
Am I missing something in the settings, or is this really not feasible with the plugin as it works currently?
no, you can only set customization required either for all or for specific WooCommerce products. But you can not enable or disable it for each variation.