Colour picker only working for first view [Plus]

Posted over 4 years ago by Jo Leadbeatter

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Jo Leadbeatter

I have installed Plus, and I want the colour picker to show different colours for different views. It is currently only showing for the first view. I am using "After short description" location.

If I switch the views around, it takes whichever is first. If I actually click on the cat, the correct picker shows up in the flyout.

If there is a better way of doing this, please let me know: I am trying to negate the need for a different image for each colour where there are colour variations for a single product in Woocommerce, in this case transfers. I have the transfer type/material as the view so there are different colours which need to be assigned to each view...looking at the attached screenshots might make more sense.

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Jo Leadbeatter posted over 4 years ago Best Answer

FYI for anyone else trying to do this. I gave in and created a different fpd product for each type of transfer then linked them into a single woocommerce product using woocommerce variations.

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Jo Leadbeatter posted over 4 years ago Answer

FYI for anyone else trying to do this. I gave in and created a different fpd product for each type of transfer then linked them into a single woocommerce product using woocommerce variations.

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Jo Leadbeatter posted over 4 years ago

Oops forgot the images.



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