Stock for designs

Posted over 4 years ago by Tim Vromans

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Tim Vromans

Hi there, I am not sure if this is the right place. I have been developing my new website with Fancying Product Design and I absolutely love the plugin. There is only one thing I cannot figure out. Is it possible to add an stock to different designs? For example: I bought designs that can be printed on T-shirts. Customers can customize these T-shirts with these designs only my stocks are limited. How can I be sure no orders are placed with designs I do not have in stock anymore? Any tips are welcome!!! Thanks in advanced!! Cheers, Tim Vromans

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

This feature is not supported yet. You could head on over to the feature request forum and have a look at the discussions there or add a new topic with a request for the feature you are looking for so we can keep it in mind for further updates.

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Tim Vromans posted over 4 years ago

Thanks for the tip!!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Answer

This feature is not supported yet. You could head on over to the feature request forum and have a look at the discussions there or add a new topic with a request for the feature you are looking for so we can keep it in mind for further updates.

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Tim Vromans posted over 4 years ago

Hi Gryadn, 

Thanks for your quick reply, it is highly appreciated, but that is only the sock for the T-shirts and not for the designs if I am not mistaken? I was wondering if it is possible to add stock numbers to the designs as marked in red in the image I added in the attachment. 

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gryadn posted over 4 years ago

Hi, Tim


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