Adding products already exist on the site

Posted over 4 years ago by ruth cohen

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ruth cohen


I purchased the plug today, and I am very excited. However, we have 2800 products on our exsiting site, and I don't see the feature to add the product on the wp woo-commerce to the plug, and I don't see the feature in the dashboard of FPD.

All I see is add a new product, is this mean we have to create 2800 new products?

It is crazy.

Any leads will be appreciated.


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

yes, it means you have to create all products that are different. If you have similar products (for example Shirts or Bottles) you can create only one fancy product and customize it so that only parts of the products will be replaced (like the buttons on a shirt etc.)

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Answer

yes, it means you have to create all products that are different. If you have similar products (for example Shirts or Bottles) you can create only one fancy product and customize it so that only parts of the products will be replaced (like the buttons on a shirt etc.)

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