clarification: possible site visitor changing color of an image element?

Posted over 4 years ago by Luke Lim

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Luke Lim

possible site visitor changing color of an image element that admin uploaded in design section?

attached as example image


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

if you upload it as a svg your users can change the color of each path in the image.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin

Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue.  

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Luke Lim posted over 4 years ago

i facing failed uploading svg file? not sure it's getting blocked from fancy product design or hosting?

any idea how to solving this issues?


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Answer

if you upload it as a svg your users can change the color of each path in the image.

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