Google fonts not loading at PDF export
I need to export my product design to a Layered PDF but when I do, the Google fonts are not showing in the PDF. It just shows 'Arial' as the selected font.
How can I solve this problem so I can see my Google fonts in the exported PDF?
Thank you very much!
Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue
Hi - was this issue ever resolved? I have the pro export but can not get the fonts to download at all. Just converts to Arial everytime. Even if i select PDF with fonts i get 'failed to open font in PDF fit
Same here failed to open font error code
same here paid $250 to upgrade PRO i think i would better stay with old one at least fonts were loading !
Same problem here. I am reading some articles like this:
About "Find a handpicked list of TTF fonts that work well with the Product Builder and the print-ready export."
I can't understand this way of working, it's totally useless that we can use a font in Fancy Product Designer if then it can't be exported.