For large format poster prints what must the sizes be?

Posted over 4 years ago by Ahmet Alphan AKAY

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Ahmet Alphan AKAY

I run a poster print shop.

And customers will upload their files to their designs to get the final large format prints.

What can I do to get the final file for ex. JPEG 50x70cm 72 dpi resolution?

I set the print size to 500x700mm. But in the order page I have the final image not as I set and lower res.

Thank you....

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

for prints we recommend to use a resolution of 300 dpi. You can get this in our advanced export:

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Answer

for prints we recommend to use a resolution of 300 dpi. You can get this in our advanced export:

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