Export Plugin: non zipped files export

Posted over 4 years ago by Holger Altwein

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Holger Altwein


is there a possibility, that exported printready files are not zipped? Downloaded files from links in order message are zipped, also attached files with order confirmation. This makes no sense for print ready files, because i have to unzip the files before i can use them. So i have a lot of needless additional clicks to get my files…


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Best Answer

If you only select pdf export it will be the file only. If you select an image export or want to embed the fonts within the pdf it is necessary to get different files so the files will be provided within a zip file. 

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Antzal posted about 3 years ago

I tried to find out HOW the files are delivered, but i got no support at all. I also tried to test, but i never manage to get any files. I need to know exacly how the files are delivered, for example if customer order a round badge, if i got the file rectangular, there are no use of the designer. I need to know that the designer deliver a artwork/file aldo with the outlines (circle) on top of customers artwork, in a layer, so we know exact printsize.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 4 years ago Admin Answer

If you only select pdf export it will be the file only. If you select an image export or want to embed the fonts within the pdf it is necessary to get different files so the files will be provided within a zip file. 

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