
predefined color groups

hi all
is there a way to define group of color that can be use on links color groups on differents products ?

for when i would like toadd a color to all of a category of product i juste add this color only on the predefined group and not do that product by product

  • i don't exactly get how you want it to work. If you create a different product usually the products aren't related to each other. Do you have an example website of what you like to get exactly?

  • For exemple i seller cusromised t- shirt with different possible color of flex. I inox that i have 12 différents colors. I tant to have a color group named Flex chère i est the 12 colors. Non when i create a new product I could use the name of the color group to define the available palette instead of encoding colors one by one
  • yes, you can create a color link group via fancy product designer -> settings -> element properties -> custom images and designs -> color link group 

  • OK, thanks

    but does this mean that we can only define one group of colors?

    if I wanted a group for the flex and another group for vinyl for example with different colors it is not possible?

    thank you
  • I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing.

    When I create a text on a product in the product builder, I can either set a single color to display a colorpicker, or set multiple colors to force a specific palette.
    Is it not possible to create in the setting, several groups of colors:
    Flex - 12 different colors.
    Vinyl: 8 different colors
    embroidery: 15 different colors.
    and to be able to designate the name of the palette when I create a text field
    we could imagine 3 possibilities in the product builder's color options:


    one color value: colorpicker, multiple color value: fixed color palette, predefined  Group name: Fixed predefine color palette.

    an example, I create 3 different products, each with text fields that the user can modify but with certain colors only,

    Currently I define the color palette one by one in each product.

    imagine that tomorrow I want to add an extra color, I will have to do it for each of the 3 products.

    in this case with only 3 products it is not very difficult, but if I had to do this for 250 products it is very tedious.

  • no, that's not possible. In that case please open a feature request in our forum so we can keep this in mind for further updates. 

  • done :)


  • You're welcome.

  • Any update on this issue?  I would find this useful as well.  We have products which can only be customized using specific "colors" which vary product to product.

  • Yes please

  • i am waiting for this tool also.

  • you need to reply to a feature request or open a new feature request if you want this feature to be implemented:

  • We will have a closer look on it and consider whether a lot of people need this function but we can't promise that we are going to implement it. 

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