Using the design shortcode

Posted almost 5 years ago by Jonathan Elmgren

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Jonathan Elmgren


I want a way to display the design shortcode minimalistic, I've tried with tabs but if I put the design shortcode in the 2nd tab it doesn't load so it needs to be on the page load.

Is there any way to display the shortode in some kind of dropdown or vertical or horizontal scroll?

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue or If you like us to do the setup or customizations for you please hire us via

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin Answer

Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue or If you like us to do the setup or customizations for you please hire us via

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