Mobile - Can Image Uploader Dissaper after Image Selection?

Posted almost 5 years ago by Eoin Healy

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Eoin Healy

My issue - on mobile, when a user uploads an image, it is not very clear if the image has been added to the product or not due to the image uploading still visible above the design canvas. 

Is there a way to make the image box disappear once the image has been added to the product, without the user having to tap the little X in the corner.?


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

You can close the window automatically after adding an image if you set the following settings:

Fancy Product Designer -> Settings -> Advanced -> Miscellanous -> Hide Dialog On Add -> Yes   and save.

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Eoin Healy posted almost 5 years ago

Thanks @radykal !

Got it working now.. 


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin Answer

You can close the window automatically after adding an image if you set the following settings:

Fancy Product Designer -> Settings -> Advanced -> Miscellanous -> Hide Dialog On Add -> Yes   and save.

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