Optimise plugins stop FPD from working

Posted almost 5 years ago by Arnika Bhupal

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Arnika Bhupal

I have tried three plugins for optimisation however each one stops Fancy Product designer from working. When each one is activated a blank page loads when you click on a product instead of the online designer and product info.

The three plugins are W3 total cache, SG optimiser and Autoptimize.

Does anyone know of a plugin for optimisation that works with FPD? This issue has only occurred since I updated to the newest version of FPD 4.0.8.


2 Votes


Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin Best Answer

A couple of customers have reported an issue with SG Optimiser where the designer only loads on the page if you're logged in. The solution to this is to switch off the setting SG Optimiser - minimise html output

0 Votes



Rhiannon Doyle posted over 3 years ago Admin Answer

A couple of customers have reported an issue with SG Optimiser where the designer only loads on the page if you're logged in. The solution to this is to switch off the setting SG Optimiser - minimise html output

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