Trigger Preview Lightbox outside of the FPD

Posted almost 5 years ago by Jaime Guarro Contreras

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Jaime Guarro Contreras

Hi, maybe my question is too simple but I could not find an answer in the forum.

I would like to add a button/link outside of the FPD Canvas that will trigger the action preview in lightbox, for example adding the button on the short description or next to the add to cart button. I think is quite important for customers to preview a design just before adding to cart so having a bigger button would help in the decision process. I am using Version 4.0.7

Thanks in advance.

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Jaime Guarro Contreras posted almost 5 years ago Best Answer

I got the answer from FPD support.

If anyone needs it the solution is to add a shortcut

[fpd_action type="preview-lightbox"]


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Jaime Guarro Contreras posted almost 5 years ago Answer

I got the answer from FPD support.

If anyone needs it the solution is to add a shortcut

[fpd_action type="preview-lightbox"]


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