
Fancy Product Designer | Export add-on


Fancy Product Designer | Export add-on

I'm trying to buy the plugin above.

I'm trying to use this plugin because of font problems.

This is because fonts do not always appear correctly when saving a PDF.

There is something to check before you buy.

Unfortunately my server confirmed that imagick can not be installed.

Can I use this plugin even if imagick is not installed on my server?

My purpose is only to ensure that fonts are displayed correctly in PDF files.

Thank you.

Best Regards,

  • You need image magic because if you want to create a print ready png or jpeg, it is used for creating a specific dpi. 

    You don't need it for creating PDF's.

  • Could we check the Plugin before buying? I have a staging server and a live server - so I have to buy 2 Licenses in that case?

  • no, if the website is not online yet you can transfer the license. 

  • it is online, but staging, there is one address for testing: - but if all test are okay i'll move it to that address: - any idea?

  • I'll have it actually on a staging server for testing (www . teppich-gestalten . de) - and will move it if everything is okay to another server ( www . teppichdruck-deutschland . de) - both servers have to be live, but it is one project. the first one for testing the second for the audience in the web

  • In that case unfortunately you need two licenses as both websites are online. 

  • But they are not productive, only one! They are an exact copy!? The one ist not in the google index. Is this a solution if i close the staging server with a password? Or another solution to test this plugin?

  • Hi, that is a solution, yes. As long as you can't open both websites online directly without a password you need two licenses. If you use a password, you can do that. 

  • Hi Rady Kal, how i'll get Updates of the "Fancy Product Designer | Export add-on" ? Is there a newer Version than 1.1.1? I got some Problems while exporting PNGs!

  • Albert Augustin, did you figure this out? I've had issues creating images as well after updating my ios

  • I"m also facing the issue that PNGs are not rendered into the PDF.

  • I've been experiencing an issue with saving any photo on Apple's latest updates. ios14 and Mac OS 10.15.7

    Even on the demos on their website. Do you i know if this issue is effecting the export add-on?

    Clients who recently upgraded devices are not able to use my site at all. 

  • Looks like there is an issue with Safari on the latest IOS for frontend download. A workaround while we find a fix is to tick - Only export current showing view.

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