
Product Thumbnail order-email base64 decode issue

I have the problem that the procuct thumbnail in woocommerce order e-mail, in order-email,  product thumbnail didn't decode base64 image and it have exceeded the word limit. Is there any way to not send product thumbnail in order e-mail?



  • Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue.  

  • Now in emails base64 is not sending. Functionality in "add_order_item_thumbnail_email" creates temp .png image and attaches wrong link to email. Code needed some fixing.

    This line below:

     $item_thumb_src = 'cid:'.basename($temp_img_path, '.d');

     I have replaced with:

     $item_thumb_src = WP_CONTENT_URL . '/_fpd_temp/' . basename($temp_img_path, '.d');


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