
How do I use patterns? How does the unlock view work?

1)  I uploaded the pattern to the folder fpd_patterns_svg

did all the changes in the settings. But how do I actually use it?

I would like to have an area where the pattern shows

so that then in the customers view the client changes the size or the pattern itself.

2) I set up a simple product in woocommerce

linked it to a FPD product. This product has 2 views.

within settings I added a value for adding text, adding image and max price and set: needs to be unlocked

On the client side the view is locked >> you unlock it simply by clicking on the lock

changes can be made but now prices gets added to the price.

What do I do wrong?

Hopefully I am clear :) any help will be appreciated very much

  • Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue and help you with your concern. 

  • I did this morning as well as I renewed my support credits. Just thought that these questions would also be interesting for others.

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