Designs in different languages

Posted almost 5 years ago by Miran

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I'm using FPD for about a year now and is great, had just to customize it a bit for customers demands. But now I'm working on translations and have problema where in my native language (slovenian) works everything OK, but in my translatable language (english) I cant see design. I can see design categories with images but inside designs category there are none designs.

Is this some kind of bug or am I missing some settings.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue.  

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Mike Heiremans posted over 3 years ago


I'm having the same issue. Alle designs are only available in the main language. Other language have empty Design categories. 

How to solve this? 


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted almost 5 years ago Admin Answer

Please open a support ticket on our website, so we can have a closer look at your issue.  

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