
Export as Layered PDF and SVG Bugs

I created a test sign to see if I can do an export that will allow me to edit the individual items but the Layered PDF exports nothing and the SVG option doesn't embed the images.

Here is the original design I created.

Here is the black Layered PDF

Here is the PDF with static PNG which works but is flattened

Here is the SVG with the missing image link highlighted.

Are these export bugs or is there another setting that I need to configure?

  • I cant help but exact same here, the svg is editable but doesnt include any images. Also the images downloaded with the JPG are only 25% the size of the original which means it cannot be printed

  • Please open a support ticket on our website so we can have a closer look at your issue

  • Yes I've already opened a ticket #59584 but was told to repurchase my support license. As this is a bug and not a support issue I have tried to notify you here.

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