No idea how to upload fonts.. Please Help!

Posted about 5 years ago by Karam

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Hello Team,

Hope you're having a good time. I have purchased the plugin and successfully implemented on my website. But i don't know to upload the fonts in the plugin so that users can customize the product as per their choice.

Please help me with this. Right now, the plugin is showing single font only. You can check here

Thank You


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Bastien posted about 5 years ago Best Answer

Fonts came back after a while, not sure what happened, maybe if you go back into th Fonts settings now you'll be able to add them!

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin

Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue.

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Karam posted about 5 years ago

Our site is fully dedicated to the customized mobile case but if the font isn't there people will not gonna buy from us.

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Karam posted about 5 years ago

Hello Bastien,

Thanks for your reply. I followed what you've told but it didn't worked. Still i have no idea what to do :(

0 Votes


Bastien posted about 5 years ago Answer

Fonts came back after a while, not sure what happened, maybe if you go back into th Fonts settings now you'll be able to add them!

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Bastien posted about 5 years ago

Since latest udpate all our fonts are gone as well. Went to update them as instructed in the update instructions but it just wiped everything.

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