allow_url_fopen is disabled

Posted about 5 years ago by Md. Nazrul Islam

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Md. Nazrul Islam

I purchase your product some day before from 

on installation time show me bellow message


allow_url_fopen is disabled 

I can not enable it on php.ini

because it dos not show me there.

How it can enable it.

please give me solution.


Md. Nazrul Islam

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please contact your server provider for that. We can not do that for you or tell you how to do it. Server configuration is not covered by the support policy.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted about 5 years ago Admin Answer

Please contact your server provider for that. We can not do that for you or tell you how to do it. Server configuration is not covered by the support policy.

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