Upload zone ends up inside another upload zone(?)

Posted over 5 years ago by Knut Møgster

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Knut Møgster


We're using the jquery FPD and uses setupProducts() to create the interface from a JSON-object. The object is posted below, can anyone see any errors in it?

The excepted scenario for this test was:

One page, two upload zones, no text.

What happens is:

- only one upload zone shows

- the undo is loaded and active, when clicking undo, the other upload zone replaces the original one (it's slightly smaller, so it's possible to spot) in the same position

- when clicking redo after clicking undo removes the upload zone(s), clicking undo again reinserts it

            "productTitle":"Jul, 403880",
            "title":"Side 1",

 The javascript for loading the product:


$productWrapper = jQuery('.fpd-product');
    fpd = new FancyProductDesigner($("#ksproduct"), opts);
    $selector = $('#ksproduct');
    .on('ready', function() {

 The html:


<div id="bcwrap" style="width:780px;text-align:left;margin-top:5px;margin-bottom:20px">
<div id="ksproduct" class="fpd-container fpd-shadow-1 fpd-topbar fpd-top-actions-centered fpd-bottom-actions-centered fpd-views-outside">

Anyone has any suggestions?



knutm :-)

0 Votes


Knut Møgster posted about 5 years ago Best Answer

Found the solution


should be


0 Votes



Knut Møgster posted about 5 years ago Answer

Found the solution


should be


0 Votes

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