Bug when changing the color

Posted over 5 years ago by Cody Scott

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Cody Scott

There appears to be a bit when changing the color for the first time on my product.  If you reset the product and then change the color it works but always the first time it does not work... 

Can this get fixed?


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

It works. I just recommend to type in the color hex code in the color field from the color you are using (black) so the first color shows the color that is currently shown. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin

Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue.

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Cody Scott posted over 5 years ago

See the attached video I just took this morning for the bug.  Like I said when I "reset" the product it works after that but not until I do that.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

It works. I just recommend to type in the color hex code in the color field from the color you are using (black) so the first color shows the color that is currently shown. 

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