Initial Color in ColorPicker for Text elements

Posted over 5 years ago by Wilfried Fox

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Wilfried Fox

Hi, i'm trying to find a way to set an initial color for the colorpicker other than black.

I am using FPD fpr jQuery. Black Text on a black background is not what i want ;)


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

The color of the color code you entered in the product builder will be used for the colorpicker. So you can just change it. 

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Wilfried Fox posted over 5 years ago

Thanks, just found the typo, used 'color' instead of 'colors' :/

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

The color of the color code you entered in the product builder will be used for the colorpicker. So you can just change it. 

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