One user image uploaded gallery and multiple uploaded zone
hy, i create a photo collage, with images module active by default, i add 3 uploaded zone, if user upload image without click one of uploaded zone, image uploaded dissappear when user click on uploaded zone.
I think each uploaded zone have uploaded image gallery, but i need one single gallery and user click on uploaded zone and after click on uploaded image to replace in uploaded zone.
Have solution for this in much more easy setps?
Sorry for my bad english.
i find solution.
Now i need only one things, after i put image on uploaded zone and i click again to image/uploaded zone , gallery dissappear
It will open again if you click on the image again or delete that image.
correct , but i want to keep open user gallery, one gallery per user not per upload zone, will be much more easy for customer
Therefore go to fancy product designer -> settings -> advanced -> miscellanous -> and disable "hide dialog on add"