Setting up large products

Posted over 5 years ago by Kennith Nielsen

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Kennith Nielsen


I offer large format products like Roll-Ups, posters and banners. When setting up for example a Roll-Up in size 85x220 cm. should I set up canvas in full resolution or should I just calculate the appropriate width/height ratio and use svg design elements, or do I need to make canvas full scale?

If I just use the right proportions with svg will that give me a satisfying quality in the generated printfile?

Best regards and thanks for a great product :)


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

You can just calculate the appropriate width/height ratio and use svg design elements. You'll still get a satisfying quality. We usually set up canvas between 500 - 700 px.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

You can just calculate the appropriate width/height ratio and use svg design elements. You'll still get a satisfying quality. We usually set up canvas between 500 - 700 px.

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