
Change white background from design thumbnails or design box

I am able to do white printing on my stuffs, and i've made a lot o design options to upload to my FPD, although, some of then are pure white and doesn't show at the design box as you can see below.


The design that is selected, is the same of the mug. But my customers are not able the see the design before it is selected.

How can I change the background of the design box slightly so white could be seen?

  • try entering the following code in the UI Composer -> Custom CSS:

    .fpd-scroll-area {

        background-color: grey


  • Many Thanks, it worked properly.

  • Fab solution thanks - can I do something to also change the background colour of the preview that pops up when customer hovers over a design, too?

  • yes, you can use this code instead:

    .fpd-thumbnail-preview {

        background-color: grey;


  • Fabuloussssss! Thanks!

  • you're welcome. 

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