image upload to fixed size and position

Posted over 5 years ago by brad holmes

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brad holmes

is it possible to use image upload shortcode to add image to a fixed size and location 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

You don't need to use a shortcode for that, you can use the individual product or general settings to scale it and replace it with a transparent png p.e. so it will take the exact position of it. 

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Danny Ashmore posted almost 2 years ago

Hi Brad, did you find a solution to this? I believe I am trying to achieve the same thing. 

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brad holmes posted over 5 years ago

this is not what i was asking i was asking if it was possible to upload an image from shortcode upload like

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

You don't need to use a shortcode for that, you can use the individual product or general settings to scale it and replace it with a transparent png p.e. so it will take the exact position of it. 

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