This File is not an image error message

Posted over 5 years ago by John Reimann

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John Reimann

I have been using FPD on my website for a while now and it has behaved well.

However when customers are trying to upload an image they are getting an error message advising that after trying to upload an image they are getting an error message "This File Is Not an image"

I have tested this with one of my own (Jpeg) files and am getting same error message.

I am using WP 4.9.6 & Woocommerce


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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue and help you get it fixed. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

Please open a support ticket so we can have a closer look at your issue and help you get it fixed. 

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