Multi zone and multi drop

Posted over 5 years ago by IAF

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In my project i need to customize 4 areas on a product. This part is running. On click i can choose image or text and put my data. My datas are cropped when i leave the current area. 

But, i would like to put several image or text on every area. I thought about the layers, but i don't want my customer can delete or add area's Do you have any ideas where to look ? 

Thanks ! 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

I don't fully understand what you like to achieve. Do you got any examples? From what i've understood so far you can use bounding boxes. 

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

I don't fully understand what you like to achieve. Do you got any examples? From what i've understood so far you can use bounding boxes. 

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