Change color on text added by user
I can't find how the user can change the color of text added by the user.
If I add a text field in th UI Designer, then I can change the text color on the product page but if I add a new text field (with the add text button) on the product page then there's no way to change the color.
What am I doing wrong?
If you go to your WooCommerce Product and click on individual product settings in the meta box of fancy product designer you can click on the tab "custom text properties" and there you can enter the colors your customers can choose from. Entering only one color code enables the color picker.
Is it posible to have swathes to limit the colors?
yes you can set the colors in the individual product settings in your WooCommerce product.
Hello, and how can I limit it to one color?
You can go to Fancy Product Designer -> Settings -> Element Properties -> Custom Texts -> Default Color and enter the color hex code you want to be used.
One colour enables the picker. Yes you can have a picker for each path of an svg.
Can I change color codes to actual name of the colors?
Hi I would like to know how to make the user having the ability of picking different color for each view of the text.
When I go into the individual product settings and set the default color it doesn't seem to work when I use the frontend. When I add a new block of text it always defaults to black and I want it to default grey. Thanks for the help!