custom shape image frame

Posted over 5 years ago by Martin Kollár

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Martin Kollár

Hi, I need a little help with image frames with custom shape. I created the upload zone from svg file with "waves" on top but when I upload image it has straight line on the top (without waves). In the attached files left side is what I am able to to in FPD and on the right side is what I would like to get. And on the buttom is my setup from admin panel.

I also tried to play with masks, maybe I just dont know how to set it up properlly.

Please can you give me some advice?

Thank you, Martin.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

You have to create an image with only the pink waves and mark it as "stay on top". Also it is best if you update the plugin. For more support please open a support ticket on our website.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

You have to create an image with only the pink waves and mark it as "stay on top". Also it is best if you update the plugin. For more support please open a support ticket on our website.

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