Individual offset (text, img) for each UI or product

Posted over 5 years ago by Brand leader

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Brand leader

I needed to make a custom design for a customer, but the default position of inserted text gives us some problems (not visible) thus the request to have an offset for custom text (and other stuff) for each user interface or even per product.

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Best Answer

This is possible if you define it for each text within the product builder. If you want to use the custom text add and have different default offsets this is only possible in a customization. For this you have to open a customization request on our website

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Rafael D

Rafael D posted over 5 years ago Admin Answer

This is possible if you define it for each text within the product builder. If you want to use the custom text add and have different default offsets this is only possible in a customization. For this you have to open a customization request on our website

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