
Download only image in current view without having to select the option

Right now it is possible to download only the image in the current view but the user has to select that option.

I would love to have an option to select this option without the user having to click on the box (its confusing).

If you know that the user will not want all views on one file it would be better not to even offer this option.

  • You can edit the code and make this checkbox checked by default.

    1. Open productdesigner.php in fancy-product-designer/assets/templates directory.
    2. Seach for this line: 
      <input type="checkbox" id="fpd-action-download-single-view" />

    3. Add checked attribute:
      <input type="checkbox" id="fpd-action-download-single-view" checked="checked" />

  • Thanks!

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