
Short Code: Add an Message Field for the Email Dialog

Hello FTP team,

I love, love, LOVE, Fancy Product Designer and I am very happy with latest update, the product is only getting better! Kudos to the team.

For my request, it would be wonderful if you could add a message field to the email dialog on the short code. I received my first design order using FTP and I was totally ecstatic. However, I had to contact the client for additional information because there was no field for them to enter their custom information.

FYI, last month I created the field on my form, but it got overwritten when the code was updated. 

It would be great there was a message field with at least 256 characters as added to the form.  

Also, if you are granting double wishes, It would be awesome we could toggle on or off what fields we wanted for the dialog, ie. name - email - message, or name - email, etc

Much appreciation in advance. Wishing you continued prosperity and lots and lots of love!!!!


  • For this I recommend to use Gravity Form, with the FPD Plus add-on you can combine both plugins.

  • As I am currently using another form product on my site, I did want to add another plugin.  

    No worries I will manually update and load the email form on my end when updates are made.  Thank you so much for the reply.

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