
Fit upload images and Designs in bownding box.

I would like to know if is possible to auto fit images and designs to bownding box size.
I have set FIT IMAGES INTO CANVAS option but it would be better other option like FIT IMAGES/DESIGNS INTO BOWNDING BOX

Thank you

  • Percent is not possible but you can used fixed width or height. Simply enter a value (it's in pixel)

  • WooCommerce Product -> individual product settings -> image properties -> custom images -> Width /height/scale 

    This only acept values higher than 1.

    How can I put 50 percent? or a fixed with or heigh


  • You can set this for upload zones in the product builder. Click on upload zone -> Scale Mode -> Cover.-

    If you are not using upload zones you have to set it for each category. Therefor go to Fancy Product Designer -> Designs -> Edit Category options -> General -> and set a value for p.e. left, top and scale to place your design images correctly.

    If you want the images of your customers load into the bounding box you have to set values in the WooCommerce Product -> individual product settings -> image properties -> custom images -> Width /height/scale 

  • Thanks but if I use Another element as bounding box, there is no FIT IMAGE OPTION.


  • yes instead of fit images you can set "cover"

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